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Start Creating Videos with Animation, Whiteboard Sketch & HD Video With One Easy-to-Use Program! Easy to use – no experience required!Create videos for clients or your business!Command attention & send sales soaring!Cuts frustration & expense out of making high quality videos! SPECIAL: You pay $47 one-time and keep using forever (yearly subscription coming very soon so make sure to get it now for one-time price) Introducing Explaindio Video Creator – Now Anyone, No Matter How Inexperienced, Can Now Create Attention-Grabbing, Professional-Quality Videos! We all know how popular and effective video marketing has become on the Internet – and now it’s easier than ever before to experience the benefits of video marketing thanks to the ground-breaking new program – Explaindio Video Creator. With this program you can create videos with all three of today’s most popular video marketing techniques with ease. That’s right, your videos can have: Animated Explainer Whiteboard Sketch And HD video - with Audio! That means no more jumping between programs and then frustratingly trying to stitch together the various video segments. Now you can do it all seamlessly with one program. Just imagine the power of having HD video clips, animation and whiteboard sketch in one video!You could use these videos to dramatically increase your conversions, you could sale them to others for profit, you could use them to promote affiliate products and much more. And, best of all, you won’t need any video production experience to use this software – it allows even complete beginners to create professional quality video with a few simple mouse clicks. You'll only need to watch just a wee sample of what this software can do Above HD video backgrounds for demonstration only - not included. 200 Animates Slide Templates You Will Get Together with Explaindio Video Creator! You'll get all below 100 Full HD Video Background too! Here is something unique to ONLY Explaindio at this time. Our proprietary software now includes a VERY useful and extremely valuable attribute. Never before has any flash animation video creator given you the ability to change the position of images, videos, AND the text! Well now you can! Imagine no longer being confined to restrictive template environments that choke the daylight as you are squeezed for your last creative breathe of artistic freedom. Now with Explaindio, the canvas AND the world is truly your oxygen oyster. Move all elements wherever you please and make your point as clear as the air that feeds your mind. This is the nail in the coffin for all other video creators and 100% unlocks your creative genius, giving you the power to express yourself, your business and impress your clients as you fulfill their every desire both visually, intellectually and financially. This is groundbreaking freedom and used properly should set you heads and shoulders above your competition for a long time to come! Explaindio is Changing the Way Videos are Made! Only Explaindio Video Creator: Allows you to easily create Animated Explainer videos that also include whiteboard sketch and HD Video clips! Allows you to easily add HD Video with Audio – that means you can quickly import HD video clips into slides and activate the audio without going through the hassle of using an external program! Allows you to move and size animated explainer elements – you are no longer locked into a particular animated slide style because with Explaindio you can resize and move the animated elements as you wish! Allows you to easily import slides from VMFX – that’s right, you can import most VMFX slides right into Explaindio and even customize many of the animated elements in those slides! Start Creating Professional Looking Videos With No Experience & No Technical Expertise! With Explaindio Video Creator you can: Take the frustration & expense out of creating high quality videos! Grab prospects’ attention & send sales soaring! Market your business OR create videos to sale! Create professional-quality videos with no experience and no special training! SPECIAL: You pay $47 one-time and keep using forever (yearly subscription coming very soon so make sure to get it now for one-time price) Take advantage of our one-time price special offer! This software works with both Windows & Mac computers. undefined undefined Video Production Just Got a Whole Lot Easier … If you’ve been wanting to create videos for an online business or for a particular product or course or for an offline business, Explaindio Video Creator is the software for you … with this software:Best of all: You won’t have to worry about having any restrictions placed on your videos. They will be 100% yours to do with what you want. You won’t have to worry about where you can place the videos or how you can use them. You also won’t have to worry about having to figure out any complicated instructions or software functions when making the videos. Explaindio Video Creator is plug-and-play easy – turning you from video novice into video expert in a matter of minutes. Here's What Others Are Saying About Explaindio Video Creator "Explaindio truly fills a very needed gap in the video marketing industry by removing the tedious need to bounce between video scribing programs and other programs. The ability to take care of everything within one intuitive program is not only super valuable, it also means making marketing videos is now outright fun!" -Scott Hamlin, Creator of Hand Drawn Whiteboard MegabundleI'm professional whiteboard video maker and make them for the living. I wanted to make whiteboard videos faster, easier and with better quality without spending much money. Explaindio Video Creator was the exact solution I needed. Great selection of drawn images and animations is really helpful too. I highly recommend Explaindio Video Creator to everybody. - MR SandegiI downloaded the Explaindio video software and in one single sitting, I created two versions of a video I improvised off the top of my head. I clearly witnessed how professional videos look when using this tool that would have taken me hours without it. Explaindio, was very easy to use as I did not even have to view any tutorials to get started. Though I am sure I will learn more great techniques when I get to them. The other thing that came to mind is I would have never thought of the video production I was able to create so easily if I didn't have the Explaindio interface to work from as my digital palette. This is one great non-hyped video production tool that can make anyone's videos professionally acceptable - anywhere. -Michael Nicholas,OrderButtonTriggers.com Here's Are Videos Created By Explandio Video Creator UsersExplaindio Video Creator

أبريل 29, 2015
Explaindio Video Creator Start Creating Videos with Animation, Whiteboard Sketch & HD Video With One Easy-to-Use Program! Easy to use –...اقرء المزيد
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